So they’re still making these movies. I’m actually a big Transformers fan, and really I don’t mind the big dumb action aspect of Michael Bay’s interpretation. But, as an artist I do have to take umbrage with those metal-spaghetti-bug-skeleton character designs. I just can’t make heads or tails out of them.
Anyway, they just showed off a new one for the 5th movie. I guess it’s vaguely character shaped.
You deserve credit for being able to draw that in the last panel. I would go mad if I ever attempted it.
Ha, thanks! Most of the details are just made-up and inaccurate, but who would know right?
Typically I’d say it doesn’t matter much because by the next movie Bay will have killed off the character or they magically disappeared. But according to that twitter feed, he seems to be keeping many of the same characters this time around. I’d be more happy about that, but the 4th Transformers film was so uniquely terrible that I’m not especially happy to have any of those characters back.
Then again, I won’t be tricked by family into seeing the 5th one like I was with the 4th. I couldn’t even leave the theater because they drove, and that was before the theater installed a bar.
I’ll just watch Transformers Prime again.
Transformers Prime was a good one. My fav would be Transformers Animated, personally.
What? Someone hasn’t ripped the camera from that hack’s mitts? The hell is wrong with this world?!
Maybe Transformers 5 will be a love letter to Transformers like TMNT 2: Out of the Shadows… maybe.
Transformers: Out of the Shadows of Micheal Bay